Sharks, Beluga and Rays in Super Huge Aquarium
The Georgia Aquarium is located in the Pemberton, NJ and is filled with more than 32 million liters of water. It is home to 100,000 fish and animals representing 500 species and it cost $250 million to build.
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Think of it as pr0n for powerpoint. The stuff that makes mathematicians hot under the collar, and in this gallery the medium has been lovingly subverted to the cause of lolz. it's enough for the inner-nerd in you to explode.
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Some say that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. Some also claim that a fun Friday night is huddled up indoors playing board games with their grandparents. Some sarcastic defacement brilliance on a wide range of signs for your enjoyment.
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Ah, for those wonderful days of college life, where you devoted all of your time to study and the pursuit of knowledge to further your young mind. There was very little time for anything else really. Or was that in another reality?
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You will NEVER regret spending a day marveling at God's wonderful creations, the cool water on your body, the soft sand beneath your feet AND the overload of beautiful beach babe butt in your face - DAYUM!
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While nature tries to destroy us and man tries to kill his fellow man, it's good to know that beauty pageants still exist to balance things out. At least i have figured one thing from this, i'd rather be in Carolina than Idaho :)
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Whether is was a result of luck or skill, it's kinda irrelevant, what was captured was taken at exactly the right moment, capturing something that the human eye would miss and could never be repeated. Awesome.
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Hipsters are a strange breed, especially the ones on Tumblr. They love their vague and over-emotive desaturated photoshops on that site. There are just so many of them, they needed culling. Ergo. They were ripe for trollin'
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"To have a good time - gooood time!" - Who the hell wrote that, obviously a 40yr old virgin who had No idea what they were singing about and probably never will.
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Girls making out with other girls is a beautiful thing to behold. Especially if they're cute. The only thing that makes it better is someone standing behind them and pulling a face. Luckily this scenario is played out regularly in bars all over the world.
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More exciting than watching your first child being born whilst walking on the moon on an IV drip of cocaine, or winning the superbowl & then discovering you have superpowers. Too bad you won't remember it in the morning.
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