Sharks, Beluga and Rays in Super Huge Aquarium
The Georgia Aquarium is located in the Pemberton, NJ and is filled with more than 32 million liters of water. It is home to 100,000 fish and animals representing 500 species and it cost $250 million to build.
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The wife, her indoors, the trouble & strife, the ball & chain, your significant other, your better half, your other half, the little lady, the boss, the missus. Anyway I'm off for some beers, make sure dinner's ready when I get back.
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Lets face it, people are a very strange fruit, sure we are all prone to behavining as a norm in everyday situations, but change the background picture, or calmness into chaos and it seems like little changes.
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You can never have too much of a good thing when it comes to chicks, it might be true two's company, but three's a number i want to surround myself with if ever i get the chance coz all good things come in threes' :)
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It's surprising the human race is alive and relatively well, if not mentally stable, after looking at some of these pics. The sins of the father and of the mother too. No doubt these kid'll grow up to be well-rounded, fully developed deviants
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Just when you think you have framed the perfect magic moment along comes a petulant photobomber to ruin it for you and make his/her/it's day at your expense. Treasure these very special moments!
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Beaches are a great place to relax and unwind. Unless the beach in question is this beach. This beach has planes flying so low over it that the turbulence can cause serious physical harm. Not exactly relaxing, eh?
Comments: 2
What do you get if you cross video games and table top gaming? A kickass army from a demonic dimension, complete with Former Humans, Cacodemons, Lost Souls, Revenants and even a fat greasy Mancubus. Sterling work.
Comments: 209
Hailing from the North Shore of Kauai, cute Alana Blanchard is one of the top 5 most popular women surfers on Earth - She's down to earth, beautiful and charges infamous Banzai Pipeline. She's a pin-up who can surf.
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In the not too distant future there'll be no 'nerds' or 'geeks, all of these titles will be a thing of the past as everyone will have a cute cyborg who'll love you enough to put up with your W.O.W account AND make you a sammich.
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If you could rewrite state signs with your mind, this is what they might say or perhaps it you'd taken some truth hallucinogen so you saw signs as they should be, or perhaps someone just Photoshopped some signs for a laugh?
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