Muscle Woman
She's like Wonder Woman but with bigger calves! Actually, that's wrong: she's more like He-Man, but with worse taste in dogs and sandals. And bigger calves! Meet Anne Freitas, one of the world's muscliest woman. Ace.
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For years they've been remorselessly killed and eaten by the humans, their cooked flesh drizzled with delicious sauces. Now is their turn for a little payback and their revenge will be bloody...
Comments: 533
So the Olympics and the paralympics are over. The races have all been run, the medals have all been handed out and the politicians have all received their rightful booing. Time to admire the subversive street artists take on the proceedings.
Comments: 14
Baby animals, sure they might grow into something that you might eat but they're pretty damn cute. Every single one of these 40 pictures are of the most adorable baby animals you've ever seen.
Comments: 0
Females, sometimes there's no logic to them, however much you try to rationalize it, the best thing is to let them get on with it (if it involves interaction with you), whatever it is the hell they think they're doing?
Comments: 0
It's that time again. Monday morning. Time for another of our patent pended diabolically delectable dumps. If you don't get at least 75% of your daily allowance of lolz from this we offer a full moneyback guarantee!
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As impressive as these are it seems such a waste of the time spent creating them as they are only there for a few days at the most, before they totally dry out and fall to pieces. It must be sad to see such awesome sculptures fade so quickly.
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Hooters is, without doubt, one of the finest dining establishments known to man. Good food, plenty of beer and mighty fine women, as evidenced here. After going through this gallery, we really fancy some chicken wings...
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Getting a tattoo might sound like a cool thing to do, but for god's sake, think about it carfully, make sure you realise that it's for life. And under NO circumstances will Edward from Twilight ever be a good choice for a dude.
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Who the hell is she, you may ask? Well she's a flipping hot Finnish starlet called Anna Falchi - Born waay back in 1972, she nevertheless looks amazing, with a body you'd be happy to find on a woman at least 15 years younger!
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You have to question how you came to have some really unusual social problems when you are amongst your peers & friends. 'Where the hell did i go wrong', you may ask? Well, the usual suspects might just be your parents!?
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