Movie Stars In Their Youth
If you can name every single celebrity in this gallery then do so in the comments section below and we will send you a special prize. Some are trickier than they look and no cheating and checking them on google images, we'll know if you have.
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Sometimes our base animal instincts rise up out of nowhere and we behave like dogs, sniffing around another canine's rear quarters, only humans are so much more evolved, so we just stare wide-eyed and drool.
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Joy of joys! Now this is what makes a great picture, not one single duck-face in sight and just a winning smile, look, asset, whatever is making the subject matter in question 'stand out' from the crowd. WANT!
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They might WOW you with their dazzling on-screen presence and amazing acting/singing/sports/whatever abilities, but when it comes to saying whats on their minds, thats when the word 'star' quickly turns to 'stoopid'.
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Girls & guns, what better combo could there possibly be?. Not that it matters, there's something about a woman with a weapon, it instantly gives her attitude despite the fact she doesn't know how to take the safety off.
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You have to question how you came to have some really unusual social problems when you are amongst your peers & friends. 'Where the hell did i go wrong', you may ask? Well, the usual suspects might just be your parents!?
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Since Vader has no sense of style, some people have worked hard to help him out with that stale old black helmet of his. Expect to see some of these in future episodes!
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Nothing can stop these young whooper-snappers from conquering brave new worlds on their trusty mounts! Tomorrow's generation has NO fear!
Comments: 569
Celebrities generally don't admit when they've had nips, tucks and bags of silicon placed under their skin. That's why it's so much fun to compare old and new pictures of them and pass judgement on their choices.
Comments: 55
Hilary Clinton. What a gal. All the men want her and all the women want to be her. Sort of. Anyway, it seems the denizens of the internet have been busying themselves by photoshopping her up for political lolz. Thanks guys!
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As if performing in-front of millions of sports fans wasn't stressful enough, now atheletes have to make sure they get their photo-pose just right too. Prepare to fear the telephoto lens and it's evil ways!
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