Who Wants a 'Join The Dots' Tattoo?
If you want a tattoo that will entertain and amuse your friends, why not get a join the dots tattoo? Other interactive tattoos include; Tic Tac Toe, word-search and dartboard. None of which are recommended.
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It was a great party at the weekend (shame you don't remember it), wine, women & song flowed like it'd never end. Now there is the small problem about making it home, which sudddenly seems a looong way away, if you can still remember where it is?
Comments: 0
It's good to know that the one you love can express his feelings enough to propose in public - BUT - I wonder how many girls named Jennifer drove by those signs and felt their hearts drop!
Comments: 13
For anyone suffering from claustrophobia i would strongly suggest you do not browse the following pictures, it will make you feel we live on a very crowded planet with no room to move, unless it's amongst a huge throng of people.
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Oh god please let these be concept art for an upcoming video game or movie. If it looked this badass I wouldn't care how bad it sucked or how much of a cheap cash-in on 80s nostalgia it would be.
Comments: 17
It just looks like a hive of scum and villainy or like something out of a Judge Dredd comic, but this city is actually for really realz. Densely populated and largely ungoverned, it is truly unique.
Comments: 43
It's bloody Monday, again. Where in god's name did the last 48hrs go and how the hell did it come around so quick again? Fear not, it's time for an injection into you frontal cortex of the best pictures the interwebs has to offer.
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You may've thought your hair was pretty crap when you were younger, but it probably wasn't anywhere near as tragic as the ones on display here.
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Ever wondered what the world would be like if it was DC rather than Disney who bought Pixar? Perhaps even Marvel? Yeah, it would be a truly awesome world, full of expertly animated superheroes that look strangely familiar...
Comments: 2
Yep, it's official, some people are definitely on a completely different wavelength than the rest of us and what they take for normal everyday activities would send the rest of us running for the hills. It's a very strange planet we live on.
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Wouldn't it be great if Hollywood lost all of the horrible 'shopped' ridden-mess it pumps out when launching a film and got back to basics. These posters make the film's advertised about a thousand times more interesting.
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