24 Pics That Show The Angle Is Everything
Finding just the right angle to give photos that WTFactor is sometimes a matter of skill, but mostly it's a matter of chance. But if and when you succeed, you have a once in a lifetime shot that you can feel stoked about.
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Those rotten Nazis, if it wasn't eugenics or Project Monarch or occult power, it was stealth planes. This was called Horten-229, but didn't get made in time to drop nukes on the Allies. If it did, we'd all be chewing on sauerkraut.
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Yep, that's right, the fabled Spring Break is drawing ever closer and the main reason why you went to college to study will become apparent. It's a time to meet with other students and converse about coursework and everything educational. Isn't it?
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Ready for some cats with Nick Cage's face shooped on to them? Yeah, me too. Despite a laundry list of some pretty-dammed god-awful career decisions, the intenet really does love Nick Cage. Perhaps a little too much...
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While nature tries to destroy us and man tries to kill his fellow man, it's good to know that beauty pageants still exist to balance things out. At least i have figured one thing from this, i'd rather be in Carolina than Idaho :)
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So. WHEN are they going to make this a mandatory Olympic sport, or at the very least an event that every city in the world gets to participate in. Think of it, apart from the willing participants, it'd be the ultimate spectator sport.
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Butter-wouldn't-melt girl next door types are all well and good but they're not as much fun as a hell raising bad girl. Here's a gallery full of ladies who don't wait until halloween to dress like they're on the game.
Comments: 337
Every day when i wake up i praise the big dude above for inventing chicks, he is truly worthy of some kinda worship for such an awesome invention - Now if only they came equipped with a volume control he would definitely be a God!
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Laptops are great, but you know what's even better? Ladies. As this gallery illustrates combining the two ups the awesomeness to giddying new heights. Stay tuned for next week's gallery: Ladies On Laptops Eating Bacon!
Comments: 314
She's so hawt the Sun asked her to help out heating planet Earth, but when she tried her giant moons created a cosmic event that resulted in the death of an ancient civilisation who gave birth to the human race.
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Putin is the G.I. Joe of the political leader world, his shirt off, a crossbow in hand he's so macho, yet also he can show his tender side, playing the piano, swimming with dolphins, shedding a tear—he's just such a complex guy.
Comments: 22