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A Very Bad Sign
If you're scared of snakes then this will really worry you, time to leave the panet QUICK. This huge python has worked out how to open doors, so basically you're not safe anywhere now.
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During the Queens Day parade in the Netherlands, an unhinged driver slams through the crowd and slams into a monument. Watch how quickly the guy on the bike jumps out of the cars path six seconds into the video.
Comments: 2
Whether or not this was intentional, this dude is going to have to pretend like it was or face being a laughing stock. Either way it's an impressive move. Dude just went and dunked himself like a Hob-Nob!
Comments: 0
A chick with in-depth knowledge of the Green Lantern, it's not every day you run into a girl as nerdylicious as this. Make sure you don't let her go. Don't talk to her, just get a ring and propose.
Comments: 17
Kittens have a storied history of misadventures with mittens, and this is just the latest chapter in the story. STOP GIVING KITTENS MITTENS!
Comments: 2
So do you have a lob-on for the Olympics? Eager to see the UK win lots of gold(?) – It seems that people are either mad for it or entirely ambivalent. If you’re in the former category then this should get your blood pumping.
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A mash-up of his speeches that sees him singing along to "Born This Way". Barrack seems like a pretty laid back prez though, I reckon if you just asked him to he'd have a go at singing it. Save you the time of editing it.
Comments: 2
Disappointed with the ending of the Harry Potter film series? Not enough Master Chief in it for you? Well fear not, here's how the last film should've ended. Maybe they can bring out a director's cut on the DVD?
Comments: 1
A Saturday Night Live clip, possible the best of 2011, where they lampoon the incomprehensible films from the likes of Guy Ritchie. It's hard to believe that the people who invented the language use it like this...
Comments: 26
Some people go to extreme measures for birth control - You know sex is gonna be good when the condoms you use pass this test.. - LOL
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These two guys were planning on using a shopping cart to ride down a hill but at the last second decided to use their faces instead.
Comments: 3