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Bikini Ice Fishing
It doesn't look like these are ideal conditions to be sporting nothing but a bikini but these three girls seem to be doing better that the esmiko looking bro next to them. Makes a good spectator sport too!
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How you end up naked with chocolate all over someone else's kitchen is beyond me..LOL
Comments: 4
I feel sorry for the crap the McDonald's employees have to put up with.. but this is totally hilarious!! LOL
Comments: 10
Now this is awesome. I never thought you'd be able to improve on either of these amazing artists and bands. But it turns out I was wrong.
Comments: 0
You ever had one of those days where nothing seens to go like textbook? I am 100% certain that breaking this dude's fall is the first time any of those books have ever been used.
Comments: 0
This guy should have googled the results of this kind of proposal before going ahead with it. Oh well.
Comments: 2
Making mischief and wrecking the place, I might not know what this thing is but I still want one. No in fact, I want a whole army of them!
Comments: 0
There's some instantly recognisable album covers in this video, I think I can probably guess them all
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While discussing how to properly hold and shoot a firearm this chick casually swings and points the gun at the cameraman.
Comments: 5
She's definitely a red hot lady who will change the face of TV forever !
Comments: 54
The first Nitro Circus the Movie 3D Trailer! Travis Pastrana and the whole crew are back together in a truly LEPICDARY action packed 3D film. Expect the impossible, ridiculous, insane, hysterical, and purely awesome!
Comments: 8