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When Barriers Go Bad
Parking your car directly behind the arm of an automated barrier might not be such a smart move. The footage from this security camera shows that after a hectic day they like to unwind by smashing in a sun roof...
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This song first emerged as an X-Factor audition and then went straight into the charts and it's not hard to see why. A lighthearted song by a likeable lass about going out, getting drunk and having a laugh. Great stuff.
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This guy must be a pro at pissing people off.. because his techniques reallly work. LOL
Comments: 2
For some reason there's something satisfying about watching a cat being clumsy. Maybe because normally they're so graceful and have that superior air about them that makes it all the more enjoyable when they fall over?
Comments: 2
If you have fond memories of playing MGS and marveling at the badassery of Revolver Ocelot, don't watch this. It turns out that Ocelot is about as imposing as someone performing at a children's birthday party...
Comments: 1
I love the internet, something weird & wonderful to see every day! This guy's butt has amazing catching skills! However, catching laptops with your butt has to take it's toll after a while.
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When a model falls like this, it's clear she must not be heeling well.
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Patrick Boivin's animated awesomeness goes from strength to strength. From clunky stop frame to obvious CGI to this where the CGI is so good it leaves you wondering if maybe they just trained up a real life baby ninja...
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Weebl brings more of their mindfuck LSD-tinged madness to the internet, this time it’s about the true nature of the Unicorn, it’s both funny and weird and it also has mild swearing in it, making sure everyone’s a winner.
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Taylor Swift’s music never sounded so good, as Samuel L sings his version of her hit “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together”. Perhaps “sing” is too strong a word here - Still, it beats listening to the original.
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I've never seen park equipment like this before? But this kid probably won't remember it..- LOL
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