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Lioness Is Hungry For Babies
A lioness tries desperately to get to a nearby baby. Normally, she has a baby for breakfast, a baby for lunch, and then a sensible dinner, but these mid-day cravings are just too much for her!
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Tim Thomas can do the splits like a boss and save a goal in the process. In honour of Toronto going totally bat-sh#t crazy over a game that nobody else cares about here's a look at why hockey is cool.
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It can be so confusing distinguishing between UK, Great Britain, and England. So probably the best way to do this is by the yellowing of their teeth and how Dickensian their accents are. The teeth come in various shades of yellow.
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A skier gets buried alive under 8 feet of snow in Verbier, Switzerland. Luckily, he was able to form a large enough air pocket to stay alive until his buddies dug him out. Still wanna ski when the snow comes?
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Ever been on a cruise ship before? It's enough to make you want to swear. It's got everything you could possibly want and more, but it's full of crumbly old folk. playing shuffleboard and peeing in the pool.
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You may’ve been aware of a certain Felix Baumgartner hurtling through the air really, really fast. But forget about his feats, because they pale in comparison to a LEGO man doing a stratos jump. Just don’t call fake.
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A lion on display at the MGM in Las Vegas attacked and bit one of his trainers recently. The trainer received stitches and is expected back at work shortly.
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These two BFFs deicded to take a magic carpet ride through their school together. It's probably the gayest thing you will see all day, but at least it's only half as gay as the Twilight series.
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All you social media gurus out there would do well to watch this video. Again. And again. Maybe take some notes too, because these guys totally owned when it came to sorting out an 8-year-old girl’s birthday party.
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It's not fair. It's just not fair. How come this guy gets such a sweet toy and I don't? I would sell my left nut to have a suit like this. Hell, if I had this dude's know-how I could probably make a robotic replacement!
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Here we have the archetypes of drinking, recounted in legend, painted on the caves of Europe in prehistoric times, etched in stone on the ancient granite of the Sierra Nevada!
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