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Punch A Friend FAIL!
A good lesson to remember is ALWAYS think about your opponent in a fight. Poor kid tries to land a 'dead-arm' punch but is competing waaay under his weight class and ends up on the floor in a world of pain & FAIL - LMAO!
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The greatest ad man of them all who could sell ice to the eskimos delivers a presentation on the new Facebook layout. So stop moaning about it & deal with it. Who knew that Kodak ripped off Facebook with the Carousel?
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Is this impressive or does it just show how lame of a genre dub step actually is. If you can make a song using one of these then surely the genre has to be a complete joke?
Comments: 2
according to this commentator not only is he the best in the world at stuffing his face with hot dogs, but he is, and I quote: "Arguably the best athlete practicing any sport today". High praise. Seriously high.
Comments: 3
Sushi gets a fast food bukake with Big Mac French fries bacon sushi, chicken nugget nigiri, and other artery clogging concoctions that will make you eyes turn into transfat holes of sludge just from watching the video.
Comments: 2
This beauty's hawter than a pit full of Bhut Jolokia chillies inside a volcano en route to the heart of the Sun! She's like a smoking fiery flaming ball of gorgeousness headed straight to my bedroom!
Comments: 2
It's time to obey the beard—and it's a beard that screams out with manly credentials, in fact it's so manly it will take away your virginity and you'll wake up tomorrow with a beard, even if you've just shaved.
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The worlds most awesome taxidermy specialist has released his first music video. Chuck Testa, we salute you and all the fuzzy little animals that you've filled with sand.
Comments: 3
Even iPhone apps are trying to keep a brother down. Using the iPhone's cameras and advanced blackness detecting technology Siri can assess the user's ethnicity and tailor it's racism accordingly. Amazing.
Comments: 209
Well, it's a little obvious that there's a baby in this bird's house.. - LOL
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Seems that overt voyuerism has found it's way down the food chain these days, some roo's just have no sense of shame anymore.
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