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Chick Nailed by Gun Recoil
More proof that chicks & guns are not a very good combination - Some women don't need bulletproof vests as much as they need idiot-proof helmets. Still, makes for great viewing!
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The Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon explains the meanings behind some of President Obama's many different facial expressions. Like his "Bitch, Please" or the lesser-known facial expressions like the "Heeeeyyyy."
Comments: 0
When flash fires strike there is very little you can do. Meet Eric Howard, this balsy farmer digs a fire line using a tractor in a wheat field in Weld County, Colorado. The fire burned an estimated 20-30 acres in the 80 acre field.
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Apparently childbirth is a wondrous thing to behold. One of nature's miracles. I'm sure it is, but I don't think I'd want to catch a glimpse of it while I was eating my spaghetti bolognese.
Comments: 4
This guy is real good.. I wonder if even he knows what he's trying to say...-LOL
Comments: 2
These little kittens have got some skills, on the wheels of steel mixing it up, scratching, and generally sounding just as good as most DJs. They should have their own club night & become superstar DJs in no time.
Comments: 4
Every male can sympathize with this poor porker. He definitely went wah-wah-wah, all the way home.
Comments: 4
Have you heard about that new movie coming out with Natalie Portman, where she’s a ballet dancer who loses her mind? Yeah, me neither. But there is one and it’s got a Portman/Mila Kunis cud-munching scene.
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This little guy is the reason burglars are named after cats. He has been successfully sneaking into peoples houses opening doors for years. It's just a matter of time before they take over the planet!
Comments: 2
Girls in exotic locations lounging around in bikinis with flowers in their hair looking all pretty and adorable. Why? Who really cares, that’s not what’s important. What’s important is it’s been made and we can see it for free.
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Easily the most adorable animal abuse you've seen today.
Comments: 7