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Mom Kicks Baby Elephant
Looks like Mom is in a bad mood today. This baby elephant brushes up against her leg and she gives him a swift kick down the side of a hill. Just remember lady that an elephant never forgets and will probably come and sit on you when it grows up!
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In an ideal world, there would be no reckless drivers on our roads & we’d all feel safe. Sadly, that’s not the case. This pigeon, for example, joined the ranks of the most dangerous drivers ever as he took to the highway.
Comments: 1
It's hard to tell whether this is a real fight or an outrageously funny spoof. After the epic takedown fourty seconds in it it all goes a bit Tom and Jerry. I was half way expecting one of them to come back with a stick of Acme TNT...
Comments: 1
I have no idea where this animation came from but if it isn't already a fully fledged series it totally needs to be. Superheroes realised in Ren & Stimpy style animation? Yes please.
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Ms Spraggan sings about beer fear, something we can all relate to, when you wake up after a heavy night on the sauce and your head is full of regrets and shame. If you can’t relate to that, then you must be lying to yourself.
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An exhaustive investigation of all the reasons that the Call Of Duty series is a great big pile of shit. He makes some good points and he didn't even get round to talking about the DLC or yearly update nonsense.
Comments: 4
Old school practical jokes are the greatest and this one is about as classic as practical jokes get. With a protracted setup and dressed up as some sort of medical test, this guy gets pranked hard.
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An amazingly skilled stunt pilot loses one of his plane's wings during flight and manages to land it safely without causing himself or any of the onlookers any damage or injury—chances are it's totally fake though.
Comments: 2
After an earthquake decimated Christchurch, New Zealand, these guys decided to turn the quake-damaged city into their own skate park. If the next Tony Hawk game has an Earthquake mode, I'm blaming these guys.
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Poor fella looks like he'd rather be at the dentists having his teeth pulled than in bed with this psycho hose beast doing the horizontal monster mash. What a sissy. SCARY!
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This dude gets pushed off a ski lift and falls twenty feet landing face first in the snow. It's one of the perils of alpine fun thats not in the guidebook!
Comments: 2