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Kid Backflips & Impales Nuts On Pole
Sometimes you don't have the balls to try a dangerous stunt and sometimes trying said stunt leaves you with NO balls! I don't think he was prepared for losing his V-card to be such a painful experience.
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The Brits play cricket, occasionally rounders when they’re down the park. But they don’t play baseball, which makes them the perfect people to wind up the Americans with a terrible (brilliant) commentary.
Comments: 0
This is the kind of nut shot that'd render you infertile for the rest of you life. Just look at the power at which it hits him in the groin. He knows it has done some serious damage but all his friends & anyone else can do is lol at him!!!
Comments: 566
You can imagine our surprise that something as smart as leapfrogging a trash can could go wrong. Dude, you might as well deposit your junk in the trashcan now. It's useless.
Comments: 2
He helped the kids learn an important baseball lesson: always keep your eye on the ball, until it's about to hit you in the face.
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The boys from Valve have added a whole new team to Team Fortress 2. Where there was once just Red and Blu, there is now Red, Blu and Mech. A team comprised of nuts, bolts and microchips is challenging. Will you accept the call?
Comments: 1
I always wanted explosions like this to be part of my home-made special effects attempts when I was a kid, but failed! However, this is more than close enough. This one's for you, 10-year old Me.
Comments: 2
While discussing how to properly hold and shoot a firearm this chick casually swings and points the gun at the cameraman.
Comments: 5
One of the best compilations of fails, owns, falls, crashes, and just plain 'oops' moments. - LOL
Comments: 3
The dad likes Disney's Frozen, the daughter likes rap music, and the dad being a good parent lets the daughter get her wish—it beats another Frozen car sing-along video anyway, plus they're pretty good.
Comments: 1
This dude misses his landing and faceplants next to the pool. Stupid Aussies, don't they realise that being on the bottom of the planet means that gravity works differently there. Everyone knows that, right!?
Comments: 3