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Dog Pulls Kid Off Rope Swing
The dog knew how to work the rope swing better than the kid. This is what happens when you pay for the dog to go to school but send your kid to public school.
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In one way, the test was actually a smashing success...the bus smashed right over the railing and almost hurt some bystanders.
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More like an indie coming of age film; perhaps the kind of film Sofia Coppola or Godard might make, than just Ferris just having a day off, hanging out with his best friend & girlfriend. Live & learn people!
Comments: 1
The corpulent cooking host tries to ham it up for the cameras during a Thanksgiving food drive by catching a honey-baked with her face instead of her hands.
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Puppets are always a little strange, but in this case I envy this puppet. The woman’s hot, you could do worse than having her hand stuffed up your backside. Is there something kinky going on?
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We all like adding fuel to the Internet Hate Machine, it helps us feel better about our pathetic shitty lives you bunch of sperm-munching, basement-dwelling moon-faced rat vaginas.
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Now this really is a cheap move. If you can't afford a band at your wedding just scrap the whole idea altogether, don't just get a baby and give it a microphone and hope for the best!
Comments: 10
Daniel Pelletier, a 16 year-old skater who's paralyzed from the waist down, is still almost assuredly a better skater than you or I will ever be.
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At first glance it looks like this guy has just filled himself up with synthol to the point where he looks like a big wobbly waterbomb. on closer inspection though, it actually looks like muscle. Either way, dude is a freak.
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Futurama was right, celebrities of the future will be preserved as disembodied heads in jars, and one of those celebs will be the undead, taut-faced form of Joan Rivers, her looks kept youthful by hourly injections of stem cells.
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Comedian Aziz Ansari is releasing his latest comedy special through the medium of the world wide intertubes. For the low, low price of $5 you can download it from his site. That's a saving of $15! Bargain!
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