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Kid Lights His Nose And Cries
It probably is better that he can't smell anything because you never really forget the smell of burning charred flesh and brain cells cooking (if he has any at all) - WTF!?!.
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These guys do an awesome job showing their friends how the recent hunting trip went.
Comments: 23
This girl could make a fortune if they were diamonds. WTF
Comments: 3
Wow! Who knew the Wu Tang Clan we so big that they now cater from deaf people. But what i want to know is, does she know the lyrics or is she off the cuff translating them as she hears them?
Comments: 2
Women and men approach dating in very different ways. What women think is nice and romantic men think is a total waste of time, and this video explains that perfectly
Comments: 2
This kid slips less than one second into a rail grind and lands nuts first on a steel rail. I wonder if he's been told about the facts of life, because it's meaningless to him now - OUCH!
Comments: 0
If you want to know how a real man trims his bush this season, there's only one man to ask - Steve McGranahan. You'll need a chainsaw and a length of rope and as few braincells as possible. WTF!?!
Comments: 7
An ancient mechanical computer which was built to predict solar eclipses from 100 BC was discovered off the coast of Antikythera in 1901. This guy took this impressive device and built an identical replication out of Legos.
Comments: 1
Just look at these little kids playing with each other in perfect harmony. Isn't it lovely. Well guess again because these are the bullies of the future and they've filmed it for us. Be very afraid.
Comments: 0
He was charged with breaking and entering: he broke his arm, and so he ended up entering a hospital.
Comments: 5
Possibly the most daring, death defying stunt you will ever see. This brave soul put his life in his hands as he sits atop a speeding sledge aimed straight for not one, not two but three firey rings. God speed.
Comments: 2