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Kid Folded In Half On Scooter Flip
Turns out success isn't all it's cracked up to be. He'd been trying in private for two years to get his face that close to his junk.
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This is air walk is pretty cool move, but if she chews gum while doing it, the whole thing falls apart.
Comments: 0
Well, it's a little obvious that there's a baby in this bird's house.. - LOL
Comments: 1
When someone climbs out on a ledge with a baby, the Chinese authorities take no chances. They send in their best rappelling face kicking squad to kick heads first and ask questions later. Best. Job. Ever.
Comments: 0
After seeing this July 4th fireworks fail, the British were finally able to accept that letting go of America was in their best interests. Some things you just don't buy cheap because it probably means it might kill you.
Comments: 193
Once in a while a chick comes along that will get your attention and make your pulse race faster than an investment banker - This girl is hawt!
Comments: 2
You might think that horses are big and dumb and only worthy of being ground up and put into cheapo supermarket burgers, but it turns out they're pretty clever, or at least, this one is! Dude is a regular Houdini!
Comments: 4
It's huge wide blade will sheer through armour like it was butter. To demonstrate this, here is a fat man wearing a tie, chopping up toilet roll tubes & coke cans. Seriously though, when he moves on to pork it gets impressive...
Comments: 3
This reporter makes a big-time mistake in this story about teens finding jobs. She really puts the "F" in Freudian.
Comments: 5
Yes, you could feel bad for this kid being pulled from the swing, but it's the swing that's developed a debilitating fear of kids. It may never swing again.
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A rally car driver crashes his car at a high speed and a large wooden pole goes through his windshield and misses his head by inches. I think 'uh-oh' might of understated it a tad.
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