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Pool Table Knocks Kid Out Cold
Proof that playing 8 ball solo is seriously dangerous - This dude slams his head so hard against a pool table that it knocks him out cold and nobody cares. Seriously sad and painful :(
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Weebl takes a satirical swipe at the recent TESCOs snaffu where supposedly beef products turned out to be made of delicious beefy horses instead. Combining satire with Weebl songs as the best idea I've heard all week.
Comments: 240
The shocking news that Vanilla cheated on Shovel Face hit us all hard but it seems that Will Ferrel is taking even harder than most. It's rare to see true love like this so when it goes sour it's like, super sad, yeah?
Comments: 1
The nose gear of a Boeing 727 malfunctions, yet the pilot lands the plane with such precision I doubt anyone on board noticed the difference.
Comments: 4
If you see a domestic house cat riding pillion on a motorbike like, every freaking day then this probably won't interest you. For the rest of us though, it's a bit of a novelty and rather amusing to boot.
Comments: 1
During a photo shoot break the model picks up a soccer ball and shows off some pretty impressive soccer skills.
Comments: 2
This little boy came to the mic and said his mother offered to pay him $20 for asking who is a better kisser...David Tennant or Christopher Eccleston. In the end the kid made out with $100.
Comments: 2
There is a lovely tranquility about this video. It’s something unique to cats, that delicate elegance. You wouldn’t get 2 dogs practising a gentle, conservative martial art. No way. Yep. Biting each others faces?
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This old man learns that running with the bulls is a lot of fun up until the point the bull catches up.
Comments: 2
Ron Burgundy crashes Conan's show and busts out a brain meltingly good jazz flute solo to announce that the sequel to Anchorman is on it's way. I have only 2 requests; please let it be good and please make it soon!
Comments: 3
They really should of known that rope will NOT distribute the weight of coffin evenly - OMFG!
Comments: 4