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Fat Kid Jumping FAIL!
Sometimes it's best to know your limits. A fat kid tries to impress his buddies by doing a simple jump over a couple chairs but doesn't notice the light fixture above until he slams his face into it.
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Sounds lame, but this guy does it clear cups. Glass tumblers and yellow foam balls. You're literally seeing everything and still missing the trick. This man is obviously a witch and should be burned.
Comments: 2
YOU'RE DOING IT ALL WRONG! - but sometimes actions are waay louder than words & this guy's actions are screaming FAIL-FAIL-FAIL. Witness the most hardcore way to drink tequila ever invented - OMFG!
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Classic Soccer Celebration
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Okay, so the title gave away the ending a bit but hey, at least that's another thing checked off the list of weird stuff that you'd never seen before. Sure, it's not one of the important ones, but it's a start...
Comments: 1
Niklas Roy’s workshop has the unfortunate location of facing right onto the street, people walking by constantly peer in. What to do? Could pull the blind down/draw the curtains, but why do that when you can design yourself a robotic curtain.
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The best I can manage is skydiving on Wii Sports Resort and even that makes me feel a bit queasy with vertigo. I wonder if this guy robs banks in his spare time dressed in a mask of an ex-president? Back off Warchild, seriously.
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There is a certain art to this type of mascot dance - COOL!
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To his credit, he did hit his target. And that's what he'll be whining for the rest of the day as his friends laugh at him for smacking himself in the face with the shotgun.
Comments: 2
This lady is either dreaming of a) her Cadillac's flooded engine, or b) Donald Duck being angry in slow motion. Either way this is the weirdest noise i have ever heard!
Comments: 3
I'm gonna put my money on robo-canine!
Comments: 4