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Stupid Kid Taunts Cop
This dumb kid runs through multiple lanes of busy traffic, jumps on top of a cop car, then outruns the cop.
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A couple hot petite webcam girls get together and show their affection for the fans - Sometimes life is a wonderful thing :)
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This is breaking news. Toddler-faced teen goon Bieber is actually a nasty predatory pedo who disguises himself as a pre-adolescent sexless emo just to attract teenage girls. Shocking .....And true!?
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This kid gets his buddies to watch him do a backflip off a swing but at the last moment opts for the impressive 10ft face slide on the asphalt instead. I'd score this a 9.9 for total effort - LOL!
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Improv Everywhere stage a pirate invasion on the Central Park Lake, converting a rowboat rental into a pirate ship. Actors dressed as pirates from the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction set sail on the lake.
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How many dicks is that? The awesome opening cafe scene in Reservoir Dogs where poor Joe has Madonna’s big dick coming out of this ear and Toby the Jap coming out of the other gets a remix set to the tune of Pogo. Fuck yeah.
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Someone needs to give her a few lessons in the art of the mouth coiture, I pity this poor guy, however cute this girl looks I'd run VERY FAST !!!
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Paulo Nutini performs his hit song '"New Shoes" on the big screen. Cool song. Cool Shoes. Cool ad.
Comments: 3
You might hate where you live, but thank god you are not residing in this unholy room. If you're a Japanophile then you might understand this and get some sort of deeper meaning from it. For the rest of us - W-T-F!?
Comments: 1
Something tells me this might not be the real Superman. He's not wearing his usual spandex and he's not speaking English. Still, it's a pretty good party trick and this guy really commits to the role.
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Sometimes it's a good idea to scope out the surrounding terrain before you start jumping on it. This dude jumps from the top of one wall right through a flimsy roof into the hallowed halls of FAIL!.
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